Monday, January 30, 2006

As an avid snowshoer, I often encounter exciting occurrences in the Mountains. Yesterday was quite eventful. As I was snowshoeing I encountered a man with shear terror in his eyes. He had been lost for hours, wading in snow oftentimes up to his chest. A snowboarder from southern California, he had lost himself in the rolling hills. The sun was going down. He had no food, no supplies, and no clue where he was located. Upon discovering my dog, screams announced his relief.

To all those who snowboard off the backside of anywhere.

Pack water and heat. And if your from LA heat refers to some fuel source for warmth, not a 9MM.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude! That same thing happened 2 me a few years back. I found this guy stuck on the side of the mountain. He was freezin. Kudos to you, Mr. Miller M.