Wednesday, May 16, 2007


So I haven't posted in a while, partly because final papers were sucking up what little brain power I possess and partly because, to recoup said brain power, I went on vacation.

I went to visit my sister and cute little Squidgy. It was fun, but instead of being able to recharge, I spent the week having to wake up at the crack of dawn by having the world's youngest Sarah Jessica Parker fan (more on that later) jump directly on my bladder. From that moment on I would spend my vacation -

1. being screamed at because I was eating something exactly the same as Squidgy, but because it was on my plate, it was like manna from heaven. Manna that was being denied "she who jumps on bladders."

2. watching Squidgy dance during her 5000th viewing of Girls Just Want to Have Fun. That was actually quite funny. I call her dance the "the sumo head-butt." She crouches, with her legs wide apart and moves from one leg to the next while simultaneously trying to head-butt her imaginary dance partner.
3. dodging the world's most psychotic squirrel. I swear it gave me the evil eye!

I also found time to visit the beach where Squidgy proved that while it is okay to embrace perfect strangers in the airport, it is not okay to have salt water anywhere on your person.

And I found out what happened to Don Johnson's long lost Miami Vice stunt mannequin - he has a gig at the Swap Shop, warming Porsche seats.

1 comment:

Pjamms said...

That has to be, without a doubt, the CREEPIEST drug lord mannequin I have ever seen in my life. Wow.