Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Red Rider and Road Rage

So this weekend I went to visit my sister. When I arrived I ran into my nephews – Hoshie and Yert, who were masquerading as “Red Rider” and “Tire.” “Tire” being the alternate identity of Hoshie. I told Hoshie that perhaps “Road Rash” might be a little catchier than “Tire” and would go nicely with his red hair. He misheard me and excitedly started calling himself “Road Rush.” As the day progressed, rage built up in Hoshie, as it usually does and by the end of the day he was in full on anger mode (if we could just harness that power for energy, I am pretty sure it is clean burning). At this point, my sister and I decided that “Road Rage” was a better fit for our dear, sweet Hoshie.

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