Monday, August 06, 2007


So I'm venting because I really don't like my macbook. I have always loved my macs in the past. I am not the most tech savvy person, so I have loved that they haven't needed me to be. However, my new macbook is possessed by some evil poltergeist that thinks it is funny to break every time I update my software. First I updated the airport and it killed my ability to find my signal. Being non-tech savvy the only way I knew how to fix it was to reinstall my operating system so I backed up all my 80s hair-metal and I reinstalled everything and WOO HOO I find a signal. I haven't updated the airport since because of that unfortunate incident. I have updated other things. This weekend after updating my software, my mac developed this charming habit of freezing and telling me, in a kindly worded message that I must restart (this happens every fifteen minutes). I restart and the mac tells me that the operating system malfunctioned. I tried to find the solution on the web but came up with a whole lotta nothing. I am going to take it to my mac friends to see if they can help or if perhaps I can trade it in for one that is not defective, as I have only had the thing a few months. I can also see if my old standby of reloading the operating system helps. It is a pain because backing up the ultimate Van Halen mix is no small feat, but desperate times call for desperate measures. If anyone knows a better solution, I would greatly appreciate the help. I am seriously considering letting Hoshie melt my macbook with his rage.

1 comment:

Pjamms said...

"The Ultimate Van Halen Mix"

Tee hee.